• 1. Looking For the Best Way to Protect Your Family

    Looking For the Best Way to

    Protect Your Family?

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    Consecrate Your Home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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    Consecrating Families 

    Across the U.S.A.


Men of the Sacred Hearts

Who We Are
Men of the Sacred Hearts Michigan Chapter is a fellowship of Catholic individuals dedicated to bringing the
Grace and Protection promised by Jesus to St Margaret Mary, to the homes of people across the U.S.A.

Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary,

"I will bless the homes in which the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored."

Learn More About Us

The 350 Year Anniversary of the Visitation of The Sacred Heart of Jesus to St Margaret Mary of Alacoque!

In 1673, Sister Margaret Mary experienced Christ’s presence in a way she never had while praying. She heard Jesus tell her that he wanted to show his love for people by encouraging a special

 devotion to his Sacred Heart. Christ revealed ways to venerate his Sacred Heart and explained the immense love he has for humanity, appearing with his heart visible outside his chest, on fire, and surrounded by a crown of thorns.

On June 16, 1675, Christ told Sister Margaret Mary to promote a feast that honored his Sacred Heart. He also gave Sister Margaret Mary 12 promises made to all who venerated and promoted the devotion of the Sacred Heart.

Learn About the 12 PROMISES!

Featured Events

Come Join Us for a Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • June 7th - St. John Fischer Chapel University
  • June 8th - St. Joseph Chapel & Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

 Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at St. John Fischer Chapel University

When:  June 7th, 2024 at 7:00PM (The Feast Day of Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Location:  3665 E. Walton Blvd., Auburn Hills, MI, 48326

Please Register below to help us have the right amount of material available

St John Fischer Registration

 Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus at

St. Joseph Chapel & Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

When:  June 8th, 2024 at 12:00PM

Location:  400 South Blvd. West, Pontiac, MI, United States, Michigan

Please Register below to help us have the right amount of material available

St Joseph Chaple Registration

Hear From Those That Have Experienced the Grace From Consecration: 

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    Thank you David for bringing the Home Enthronement to Old St. Patrick's!

    I appreciated your "to the point" introduction - brief and humble. Just let the Sacred Heart do the work.

    Fr. Tom

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    Thank you for encouraging our Pastor, Fr Tom, to do the Consecration at our Parish. It is one of the best spiritual gifts we can receive at this time.

    Please accept this as a gift of thanks for the picture and prayers.

    Love, In His Mercy

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    I was so grateful that the Men of the Sacred Hearts could come to lead a home enthronement ceremony at St.

    John Vianney Parish for the Feast of Christ the King this year. Last year at the feast, I had spoken about the

    importance of letting Christ reign over us as individuals -- he calls us by name, and we have to decide to let him

    be Lord of each corner of our hearts.

    Pastor James Grau


Hear Young Adults Sharing Faith and Testimonies

What is Consecration?

  • Why Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    Protection and blessings: Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that He would bless each place where an image of His Sacred Heart is exposed and honored.

  • Consecration is a promise

    Consecration is a promise to keep Jesus first and foremost in your life and committing your family, interested fellow employees, and students/faculty to make time for daily prayer.

  • An Enthronement is a public recognition

    An Enthronement is a public recognition of Jesus as Lord and King of a home, business, or school. Those who elect to have an enthronement, consecrate themselves to Jesus by making a covenant of love with Him. 

How to Consecrate Your Home, School, or Business

Now Offering The Sacred Heart of Jesus Adoration Material

Honoring Jesus's Sacred Heart during Eucharistic Adoration is a powerful way to bring His Grace's into our lives. 

 We are now offering Adoration prayer materials for Parish Priests to guide parishioners and materials for individuals looking to deepen the devotion to His Sacred Heart during Adoration.

Order material by clicking the link below and selecting Adoration Material, these will be shipped directly to you.

Order Adoration Material

Join Our Ministry

The World is in NEED of Christ’s Love!  Are you interested in joining our fruitful mission of bringing the Grace of Jesus’s Sacred Heart into the homes, schools, and business of your community?

We are always looking for faith filled individuals looking to use their talents to help save the world. This is an incredible way to perpetuate the message right from Jesus himself to make a difference in a world in need.

Contact us and learn more about what it means to be part of the mission of the Men of the Sacred Heart ministry.

Join Now

Men of the Sacred Hearts News

By David Tay 21 Mar, 2024
What Did Jesus Say About First Friday? Of the 12 Promises Jesus gave to St. Margaret Mary, the 12 th one was perhaps the most important to you and your family. Jesus gave the 12 Promises to St. Margaret Mary between 1673 and 1675. Life was not so good for the common people as the rapidly growing population was sapping the ability of the county to produce enough food for the people (if you were rich, you probably did not notice). The First Friday Devotion is also referred to as the “Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus” for our sins against Jesus and His Sacred Heart. The 12th Promise was:  "The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at the last hour." Let us just take a brief look at what Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary in 1673-1675. 1. “The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion….” a. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that “Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive Communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance”(Confession). If you truly forgot to go to Mass then it is not considered a mortal sin. But if you decided not to attend Mas, that requires a trip to your friendly and loving priest. b. The Catholic Church still considers it a mortal sin to miss Mass on a day of obligation without good cause. So, to receive the 12 th Promise, it is suggested you go to Confession and unload all your sins for absolution. Look at the benefits, “the grace of final repentance”. You should be looking for ways to live in a manor that pleases Jesus, not giving Him reason to judge you harshly. 2. “on the First Friday of nine consecutive months” , that is nine First Fridays in a row. As I told my friend, if you miss the 7 th first Friday of your 9-month program to receive Communion on the First Friday of each month, you need to begin again. Don’t be discouraged, just make it happen and put it on your calendar. 3. “the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under My displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; My Heart shall be their assured refuge at the last hour”. Jesus is offering you to “grace of final repentance” or turning away from sin and dedicating oneself to the amendment of one's life. Jesus is not hanging over us to look for opportunities to punish us. He has given his life to save you from sin and hell. Recall what he said to the woman caught in the act of adultery, “Neither do I condemn you, Go, and from now on do not sin anymore.” Give Jesus a chance to forgive you.
By David Tay 15 Dec, 2023
Many young parents from Catholic families and upbringing have been deceived by Satan about the importance of Baptism of children and adults. I’m surprised at the number who profess that it is not important or necessary to get into Heaven. Catechism of the Catholic Church (1272) states: “Incorporated into Christ by Baptism, the person baptized is configured to Christ. Baptism seal the Christian with the indelible spiritual mark (character) of his belonging to Christ. No sin can erase this mark, even if sin prevents Baptism from bearing fruits of salvation.” The Men of the Sacred Hearts receives many prayer intentions such as this on from December 13, 2023: “That our Daughter-in-law and grandchildren will be baptized.” A consecrated woman whom I know shared with me this true story. A woman (Abby, not her real name) who was from a broken and toxic family found herself pregnant at an inconvenient time. She was counseled by my friend at an abortion clinic on 6 Mile in Detroit MI and was turned around and had the baby. My consecrated friend stayed close to Abby who had older children as well out of wedlock and the new baby, and slowly began to lead this woman and her family to Jesus and His Mother. At this time, they had a basic understanding of Jesus and Blessed Mother. Abby called my friend early one morning and told her that she had what she thought was a dream where Jesus appeared to her and told her “I cannot save you if you won’t let me”. He was talking about Abby getting baptized. Those who believe will understand that yes, Jesus would come to a sinner and talk to her in a dream. The Bible is full of accounts where God talks to people in dreams. I heard someone say, “Baptism is painless and makes getting to the Banquet quicker than the whole Purgatory thing.” The Banquet with the richest food and juiciest wines are waiting for some of us in Heaven.  I’m praying to see you there!
04 Dec, 2023
You roll out of bed, brew a cup of coffee, flop down in front of the TV, and turn on the news. You hear the most horrific accounts of a brutal murder 10 miles from your home, children being blown up in a war somewhere on another continent, taxes going up, services being cut and a new pandemic is on the way. Or, tomorrow you roll out of bed, brew a cup of coffee, flop down in your easy chair be begin to pray. Much better way to begin the day, since you can not do anything to change the news. You and I are pawns being manipulated by our government. Like sheep, we can be locked down, forbidden from going to church, locked out of our checking accounts, and denied access to the medical care we want. We all know that our Smartphone is listening to us, and who knows who is using that information for what purpose? But no one, no government, and no electronic device can prevent you from praying. You and Jesus can converse about the positive things you have in your life. And, you can ask Blessed Mother to lay your petitions and intentions for what you don’t have at Her Son’s feet for consideration. Jesus gives one of three responses, yes, no, or not now. One of the best prayers you can say alone or in a group is the Holy Rosary. You can go to firstJesus.org for instructions on how to say the Rosary. It takes 20 minutes and you will find that if you focus on what you saying, you will be at peace with you are done. One of the best ways to stay focused on the Rosary is to use a prayer intention for each decade or each Hail Mary you say. There are 10 Hail Mary’s in one Decade, so you could have 10 people or things to pray for in the first Decade (there is five Decades in one complete Rosery). Let us take a quick look at what you can pray for. Your home, your warm bed, your ability to make your home clean and safe, your food, and the ability to go buy anything good for you or not good for you that you want. Your bathroom with a shower and clean water. Many if not most people in the world have neither. Your health, or your access to health care. Knowing that eating the right thing is better for your long-term health than most of the food offered by the store, you have the freedom to choose your diet. Your marriage and your children. Knowing that you choose to be happy or unhappy in your sacramental union. I have found that saying a prayer of thanks at the beginning of the day improves my attitude. It also helps me start each day happy. Happy people tend to project a positive happy attitude towards other people. If is raining and you hold the door for someone, saying something like “I sure wish it would rain” with a smile on your face brightens their day. I avoid getting into discussions, debates, or arguments on politics, government actions, other people's problems, and the shortcomings of those in any position of authority over me. Go find someone who wants to talk about the Gospel Readings for that day, or better yet find someone to read the Gospel Readings with that day. Review Bishop Robert Barron’s Daily Gospel Reflection for a short thought-provoking reflection, or go to the Daily Reading at Laudate and review their Reflections for a more in-depth understanding of the Gospel. You can do this alone or with friends. You can even be bold and invite anyone to join you in quiet reflections on the Gospel for the day instead of taking your break beating up someone in government, business, or a customer.  Tomorrow, you can begin a more peaceful life. Be happy. Be at peace with Jesus.

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